The WFTU International Conference for the workers of art and culture concluded with participation from all over the world

World Federation of Trade Unions

The WFTU International Conference for the workers of art and culture was held on March 16th, 2021 with the participation of many art workers from twenty countries from all over the world. The participants greeted this initiative as the first step of the coordination of their struggles for work with rights and against control and oppression of the expression of militant art. They highlighted the difficulties of  workers in their sector which were exacerbated during the Coronavirus Pandemic and thoughts were expressed about the creation of a WFTU Committee of art and culture workers for coordination and strengthening of their struggles, as well as other concrete initiatives. #ewic-con-109066 .flex-direction-nav .flex-next, #ewic-con-109066 .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev {opacity: 1;} #ewic-con-109066 .flex-direction-nav .flex-next {right: 10px !important; text-align: right !important;} #ewic-con-109066 .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev {left: 10px !important;} jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(“#preloader-109066”).fadeOut(2000, function () { $(“#ewic-con-109066”).addClass(“ready_to_show”); $(“a[rel^=’ewicprettyPhoto[109066]’]”).ewcPhoto({ theme: “ewc_default”, allow_expand: false, deeplinking: false, slideshow:5000, autoplay_slideshow:true, social_tools:false }); $(“.flexslider-109066”).fadeIn(1000); $(“#ewic-con-109066”).flexslider({…

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The WFTU International Conference for the workers of art and culture concluded with participation from all over the world