SACP message of solidarity to the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba

South African Communist Party

17 April 2021 The South African Communist Party (SACP) conveys its message of communist solidarity to the Communist Party of Cuba on its 8th Congress. This Congress is significant as it begins on the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution, and ends on a historical date, April 19th, on which the people of Cuba commemorate the 60th anniversary of their victory against United States imperialist aggression at Playa Giron (Bay of Pigs). The Cuban people worked hard together to defend the Cuban Revolution against imperialist aggression, while also providing solidarity even to the darkest corners of the world, in defence of humanity against colonialism, imperialism, other forms of oppression and exploitation, and against disease. The SACP expresses its sincere gratitude to the people of Cuba for the outstanding work by the Cuban Medical Brigade in Africa against the Ebola virus, across the world,…

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SACP message of solidarity to the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba