3 October 2021, Monument of WFTU in Athens: the WFTU General Secretary George Mavrikos honored the 76th Anniversary of the WFTU

World Federation of Trade Unions

To honor the WFTU International Action Day and the 76th Anniversary of WFTU the WFTU General Secretary, George Mavrikos laid a wreath on the Monument of WFTU in Kaisariani and issued the following statement: “Today 76 years of life and action of the WFTU are being completed. It has been a course full of struggles for the interests of workers in every corner of the planet. We are proud because for 76 years the helm has been in the same direction, regardless of obstacles, difficulties and mistakes. It has been in the direction of the defense of the ordinary people, with internationalism and solidarity, stably against imperialism and social injustice. WE CONTINUE with new impetus and we are optimistic that the workers united on the basis of the interests of our social class, we can achieve the emancipation of the world working class and its liberation from capitalist barbarity.” #ewic-con-121100 .flex-direction-nav .flex-next, #ewic-con-121100 .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev {opacity: 1;} #ewic-con-121100 .flex-direction-nav .flex-next {right: 10px !important; text-align: right !important;} #ewic-con-121100 .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev {left: 10px !important;} jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(“#preloader-121100”).fadeOut(2000, function () { $(“#ewic-con-121100”).addClass(“ready_to_show”); $(“a[rel^=’ewicprettyPhoto[121100]’]”).ewcPhoto({ theme: “ewc_default”, allow_expand: false, deeplinking: false, slideshow:5000, autoplay_slideshow:true, social_tools:false }); $(“.flexslider-121100”).fadeIn(1000); $(“#ewic-con-121100”).flexslider({ animation: “slide”, animationSpeed: 0, useCSS: false, easing: “easeInQuad”, direction: “horizontal”, slideshow: true, smoothHeight: true, pauseOnHover: true, controlNav: false, prevText: “”, nextText: “”, rtl: false, slideshowSpeed: 5000, start: function(slider){ $(“#ewic-con-121100”).find(“.flex-caption”).hide(); var curSlide = slider.find(“li.flex-active-slide”); $(curSlide).find(“.flex-caption”).slideDown(); }, before: function(slider) { $(“#ewic-con-121100”).find(“.flex-caption”).slideUp(); }, after: function(slider) { var curSlide = slider.find(“li.flex-active-slide”); $(curSlide).find(“.flex-caption”).slideDown(); } }); }); });

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3 October 2021, Monument of WFTU in Athens: the WFTU General Secretary George Mavrikos honored the 76th Anniversary of the WFTU