Nigeria: How COVID-19 pandemic destroyed tourism industry, need to revive it

World Federation of Trade Unions

Before the COVID-19 outbreak in December 2019, the tourism/hospitality sector played a very significant role in Nigeria’s economy. The capacity of tourism to stimulate economies by creating employment, attracting foreign investment nationally, regionally and locally is well known. The global hospitality business, it was reported, lost $4.5 trillion as the pandemic locked down domestic and international travels. No country escaped this reality despite efforts made. Nigerians are facing today the fact that the travel and tourism industry had shed nearly 800,000 jobs in 2020 due mainly to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This no doubt has a huge impact on the country’s overall unemployment picture. Nigerians lost their jobs and experienced excruciating pains in their inability to take care of their families. The year 2020 was tragic and for the tourism and hospitality industry, it was more of a killer because most families were living-dead as they lost their jobs due to low or no patronage in some cases. Many died out of frustration even before the epidemic could get to their environment.         The COVID-19 pandemic has dragged down Nigeria’s economy and that of the global economy. The global hospitality business lost $4.5 trillion as the pandemic locked down domestic and international travels. Reviving the sector should be uppermost for the government at all levels, federal, state, and local governments. In reviving tourism, Nigerian leadership must find a lasting solution to the security challenge in the land because it is adversely affecting tourism as people are afraid to visit tourist centres even when COVID-compliant for fear of banditry, kidnappings, and incessant killings in the land. Source: WFTU Zoom Meeting with its affiliate in Nigeria NUHPSW #ewic-con-124102 .flex-direction-nav .flex-next, #ewic-con-124102 .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev {opacity: 1;} #ewic-con-124102 .flex-direction-nav .flex-next {right: 10px !important; text-align: right !important;} #ewic-con-124102 .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev {left: 10px !important;} jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(“#preloader-124102”).fadeOut(2000, function () { $(“#ewic-con-124102”).addClass(“ready_to_show”); $(“a[rel^=’ewicprettyPhoto[124102]’]”).ewcPhoto({ theme: “ewc_default”, allow_expand: false, deeplinking: false, slideshow:5000, autoplay_slideshow:true, social_tools:false }); $(“.flexslider-124102”).fadeIn(1000); $(“#ewic-con-124102”).flexslider({ animation: “slide”, animationSpeed: 0, useCSS: false, easing: “easeInQuad”, direction: “horizontal”, slideshow: true, smoothHeight: true, pauseOnHover: true, controlNav: false, prevText: “”, nextText: “”, rtl: false, slideshowSpeed: 5000, start: function(slider){ $(“#ewic-con-124102”).find(“.flex-caption”).hide(); var curSlide = slider.find(“li.flex-active-slide”); $(curSlide).find(“.flex-caption”).slideDown(); }, before: function(slider) { $(“#ewic-con-124102”).find(“.flex-caption”).slideUp(); }, after: function(slider) { var curSlide = slider.find(“li.flex-active-slide”); $(curSlide).find(“.flex-caption”).slideDown(); } }); }); });

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Nigeria: How COVID-19 pandemic destroyed tourism industry, need to revive it